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Old 08-21-2020, 11:15 PM   #9
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: The Recovery of The Local Churches in Vietnam

Originally Posted by Hodos View Post
2. Paul said the prophet must receive revelation and speak the scripture according to his personal received revelation from the Lord. In the LSM congregations in Vietnam, people prophesy according to the text of a deceased person. They do not prophesy other than with printed material. I saw them prophesying like the one saying or reciting lessons to teachers in schools, prophesying like talking robots, without understanding. Just say "amen" noisily, it is ok.

Hence the people of God in the LSM congregations in Viet Nam are hungry and thirsty for the living words, lack of fresh revelations, without the anointed words of the Holy Spirit. The LSM churches become like religious organizations, taking the form of recovery, but without the abundant life.
It happens like that in the United States too. I can't tell you how many times I've been in a prophesying meeting when a saint stands up and says, "I didn't understand the morning revival at all this week, but I'll just read and release a point from it in faith!"

In a sense, that ends up being a form of uninterpreted speaking in tongues, which is the uncertain trumpet. "I don't understand what I'm saying, and it doesn't mean anything to me, but I say it anyway." How on earth is that edifying or building up at all? But everyone else mindlessly says "amen" in response. It is dead. For a movement to proclaim they are so focused on "life", they sure are lacking it.
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