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Old 08-20-2020, 12:59 PM   #160
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Default Re: The Trinity Thread (To be a merged thread)

Where is the function of all the disciples? Only a few of them are attested to contribute, and that's questionable. The truth is, we don't have any eyewitnesses telling what Jesus said and did.

Paul is sound because he identifies his writings. But he didn't know the human Jesus, and provides only very limited details of what Jesus said and did.

None if the witnesses we have -- gospels, epistles, etc, -- speak of the trinity. If it was as important as trinitarians make it out to be today, why not? Apparently it wasn't important to any of the authors of the NT books.

Why should it be to us? We certainly can't trust Constantine, and his crony bishops ; like Eusebius, who refused to use the inspiration of the Spirit in selecting the books of the NT, out of a harsh rejection of Montanus and The New Prophecy, that claimed to still be receiving new revelations, directly from the Paraclete.
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