Originally Posted by Ohio
It does not matter if you have no official affiliation with Watch Tower. You still propagate their lies. Your dogma is the same as theirs. You love the same heresy concerning Jesus Christ. That's why you are a JW, whether you know it or not. You have the same source. You do not have the truths of the Bible, but espouse the same Arian heresies. You twist the scriptures concerning Jesus Christ, like the same unlearned and unstable folks that Peter warns us about in II Peter 3.16.
Ohio- I don’t mind explaining myself a little, and maybe this will help. I don’t know enough about JW/Watchtower beliefs or practices to defend myself from your untoward attack. I have talked to numerous ones that have come to my door- the church in all its aspects seems not to be of interest to them- they are in their own world/doctrine/practices which Paul never established; hence, in my view, a cult. If anyone would read my posts and conclude that I support JW/ watchtower, endorse that or promote that they are vastly mistaken. In some form of logic, Venn diagrams are used to show relative associations of like and dislikes. 2 circles each containing items that are included in a couple of finite subsets are drawn and then the circles overlap with items that are common to both. So, for instance, evangelicals and their items in one circle JWs in another. Overlapping would be maybe, both study Revelation. Because a JW studies Rev., it does not make them an evangelical, rather it is common item both have although they may differ vastly in other areas. This association of common/like beliefs is used all the time. The RC has a dogmatic stand against abortion and has a march, and other Christians who would not think of stepping into a mass will march with them because of the commonality.
Because JWs do not view a trinity as valid and I do not view a trinity as valid it does not mean that I am a watchtower person. They look at scripture and conclude such, I look at scripture and conclude such- yes, that is a common overlap but does not make me an associate of their overall cult cause anymore than you might be because you both study Revelation.
With that in mind, maybe you would like to share your opinions/ theology concerning God, Christ, trinity or not- what do you believe? Then we can have a great discussion- everyone should express their views. I think I do, I see Awareness does, Trapped began sharing his views, but you seem more like you just want to take pot shots at others, but not stand out there with your views being scrutinized. It kills a good discussion. In the Venn diagram example, how is one supposed to see overlapping similarities and unique views. We are all people who went through LC- that we have in common- we all developed a post LC persona. Put your views out there, not pot shots.