Originally Posted by Boxjobox
No, Ohio, I used that to show that there are numerous renderings of that verse in various translations.
And why the constant attempt to associate me with the watchtower cult? It seems you have never gotten beyond the trinitarian code to consider what the NT actually says, and only have a few odd interpretations of various verses. The foundational church in the NT would not know what you are talking about- Paul would not write One God the Father unless he meant it.
Your fixation on watchtower, and concern about oneness clash.
It's the golden rule -- treat others the way they treat you -- or something like that.
How many times did I ask you not to associate my views with WL or 4th century church fathers? But you ignored me. You refused to keep our discussions based on the Bible.
So ...
Big Box ... why don't you come out of the closet and admit your connection to Watch Tower?