Originally Posted by UntoHim
My friend Boxy,
You could have saved yourself a lot of typing, and LCD a lot of bandwidth, by simply telling us that you don't believe the words of the Lord Jesus as recorded for us in the Gospel of John. Saying you "have no opinion" is your way of dodging the issue at hand - that Jesus Christ clearly and boldly proclaimed that he existed before the world began and that he shares in the Glory of the Father.
You also seem to be lacking in any opinion about Jesus declaring that he was greater than the temple, when there was only one thing or being greater than the temple - God Himself. You also seem to be lacking in any opinion about Jesus declaring that he was the Lord of the Sabbath, when all the Jews to whom he was speaking would have clearly understood that the Lord of the Sabbath was the Father, the Lord God, YAHWEH - the initiator/creator of the Sabbath. You also seem to be lacking in any opinion about why the wise men came "TO WORSHIP HIM", when Joseph, Mary and any other Jews would have been taught that only God is to be worshiped.
These things are all recorded for us in the Gospels, and not just in the Gospel of John.
Jesus proclaimed "Believe in God; believe also in me." Unitarians want to erase the second half of this verse. Thankfully there were many wise and godly men and women from the very beginning to stop them from erasing the Words of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is, as the apostle Paul boldly proclaimed in Romans 9:5 "God over all, blessed forever!" (Sorry Boxy, you can't erase this verse either - it's part of the accepted canon of holy Scripture.)
Untohim, when you just drop in from time to time and don’t follow the conversations, you either compel me to rehash or ignore. In this case, concerning Rom 9.5 I would say review this thread, it’s been addressed already.
Concerning your main premise of Jesus being God: Help me out here- please show me a grand scriptural portrayal of the resurrected ( you know, after he said I ascend to MY GOD and YOUR GOD, and my Father and YOUR Father) Jesus reassuming his God position. Stephen in his excellent testimony said he saw the son of man standing on the right hand of God. The gospels spoken in the NT do not allude to Jesus reassuming his God position, when I read that book that shows so much of heavenly activity, Revelation- the revelation that God gave to Jesus, I see GOD AND the Lamb. It seems to me that the grand revelation in the NT that we are supposed to be paying attention to is where Yahweh said to my Lord, Sit on my right hand UNTIL I make your enemies your footstool. It seems to me this is what is occurring and what we should be paying attention to in the NT. In fact it seems to me this is really the NT. This is reinforced and explained in every aspect throughout the NT. I’m just not seeing that this “ revelation” you seem to possess is addressed; maybe there is a NT book I’ve missed,; please shoe me where I can see Jesus reassuming being God. This is so overwhelming intrinsic in your theology, and perhaps in my sinful blindness I have missed reading of this glorious act of Jesus reasserting his position of God. Please Untohim, enlighten me!