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Old 08-15-2020, 01:54 PM   #123
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Default Re: The Trinity Thread (To be a merged thread)

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Only to you Boxjobox.

When Apostle Paul wrote I Cor 2.14, he had folks like you in mind.
My footnote on Ohio’s comment: the natural man read’s Paul for what he says and accepts his apostleship and ministry as one who has a good understanding of the things of God. The spiritual man rejects the typical understanding one would derive from reading and finds great hidden meaning by applying tritheism to scripture. Thus the natural man arrives at conclusions from what he reads, but his conclusions are heretical, because they are not filtered through the acceptable trinitarian lens. Spiritual people have their own easy to understand main site on trinitarianism which one can tell when one reads all the posts that there are many spiritual people who have clear understanding of the subject. And those who don’t are damned to the alt site. Ohio, who is spiritual and has complete understanding of Paul’s secret code of interpretation, comes to the alt site because he feels it is his spiritual duty to speak truth to us damned, and as well, wants us to know that we I am damned because I don’t accept the 4th century decree telling us who and what God is. Ohio tries to lift Paul out of such a natural state and prop him up as a follower of tritheism. This helps Ohio feel that he is doing the work of the Lord.

Other consideration: I’m not sure if OH and Untohim are not perhaps the same person, one seems to drop in somewhat rarely but the other seems to be a regular at defending Untohim. And who are the “we” he refers to.
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