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Old 08-12-2020, 01:43 PM   #110
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Default Re: The Trinity Thread (To be a merged thread)

By a member of the :we: out here. I think. Untohim isn't really out here :::::::::::::

But as I can add it up, with what little I know, "God the Son" is a tagalong of the trinity doctrine. And I'm pretty sure that all interested parties out here know that the word trinity is not found in the NT ; Nowhere! Nada! Neither is the term, God the Son.

And you'd think of any of the gospels were to mention it it would be John. John doesn't mention the trinity, not specifically anyway.
Digression : Turn to Matthew for that, with its strange "Baptizing in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost."

There's one, not more than one, name for 'the all three?' Talk about an opportunity for the use of the word trinity. There it was. And what about the missed opportunity for, "Baptizing in the name of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost? There's evidence that, that verse has been meddled with, in the manuscripts (likely by a trinitarian), so why not just spell out 'the all three Gods?' Now wait. Here's another thing not mentioned in John, or the synoptic's for that matter, maybe "Jesus" is the name of 'the all three Gods?'
Back to John. John, the most flamboyant of the four, doesn't mention "God the Son" nor does he, or she (it's possible, just not probable), mention the trinity. Come on John? Your book is out beyond the stratosphere, with your highfalutin Christology. Why couldn't you have cleared up any future confusion, and introduced the trinity and God the Son?

I have to admit, tho, that it rolls off the tongue : say it, God the Son. But where did it originate? It's not in the NT, so, who said it first? Was it first coined in Nicaea?

Does any one know where the term -- maybe it's an idiom - like, “You hit the nail on the head” -- "God the Son" originated?

If so, please school this idiot.
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