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Old 08-12-2020, 08:18 AM   #109
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Default Re: The Trinity Thread (To be a merged thread)

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
And that's your problem Boxjobox!

You can't count, when it comes to the Father and the Son.

You count TWO, but I count ONE. You have wrong thinking. You say that you believe in God, yet you don't believe His word. Yes, I have God the Father and I have God the Son because the Bible clearly says this.

That's why we have the Throne (singular) of God and the Lanb. Not two on one throne, or two on two thrones, but One God on one Throne.

Sorry Box, but when it comes to counting, you have serious shortcomings. We have pointed this out with lots of verses but no matter what the verses say, you have a mental math stronghold, and just can't accept by faith what the Bible says clearly.
Ohio, you say God and the Lamb. So I count 2. One is God, and another is Lamb. One plus one is 2. Two distinct entities. God raised Christ Jesus from the dead an exalted him to such a lofty position. The God of the Lamb did that. That is a key element of the Christian faith.

There is no mention of God the Son in scripture. This is a man-made term to alter the understanding of scripture and conform it to tritheism.

Who is the “we” you refer to in we have pointed out... Is it you and Josh MCDowell? Who are the we? Is the we all those who follow the 4th century edict?

You can’t say “for me there is but one God, the Father” which is very definitive and then talk about a second God, whom you call God the Son in a comprehensible way and think anyone outside of your “ we” group will take you serious. Use your God given grey cells!

If there WAS/IS such clear teaching of this 2 God thing in the scripture, shouldn’t you just quote this genuine teaching? Why have a council of clever men decide this plain truth. Point out where it is taught- should be all over the NT.

Ohio, why is your theology such a secretive, hidden, jigsaw puzzle, that relies on bits and pieces of unrelated partial scriptural words to be fit together and mixed with the cleverness of men? Paul seems to me, is straight forward in presenting God as God and Christ as Christ. God is the God of Christ Jesus. Please reread Philippians and notice Paul’s nomenclature.
This thing that you feel is the most important discovery, on which you base your theology and relation to the Almighty; You make it sound like God kept it pretty secret that He is a 3 people entity, but some wise people figured it out and made a new clearer presentation that I should follow or be labeled a heretic because I don’t see it and don’t want to be a part of the trinity party. You have a very, very strange view of God and God’s workings according to the scripture I read. I don’t think it is healthy for you spiritually or emotionally to follow the false trinitarian theology, and would urge you to reconsider what is the gospel, and on what the church should be built. Paul ministered both in concise language; he did not minister a trinitarian theology.
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