Originally Posted by Boxjobox
Sure, let’s not just dig a little, but a little more-look at 10 versions of the Phil.2 quote and you get some pretty diverse and differing translations.
I think I have adequately shown that Paul’s mind is that there is but one God, the Father; something you say you believe because it is scripture, yet it is not your thinking, in that you also have a God Jesus, whom you refer to as God the son, so somewhere there 1 count not one ,but two.
And that's your problem Boxjobox!
You can't count, when it comes to the Father and the Son.
You count TWO, but I count ONE. You have wrong thinking. You say that you believe in God, yet you don't believe His word. Yes, I have God the Father and I have God the Son because the Bible clearly says this.
That's why we have the Throne (singular) of God and the Lanb. Not two on one throne, or two on two thrones, but One God on one Throne.
Sorry Box, but when it comes to counting, you have serious shortcomings. We have pointed this out with lots of verses but no matter what the verses say, you have a mental math stronghold, and just can't accept by faith what the Bible says clearly.