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Old 08-11-2020, 01:05 PM   #91
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Default Re: Leaving the LRC has consequences....

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
Thanks for sharing that. It's hard to make out everything on that chart - is the RecV in there?

I typically use the New American Standard because of it's reputation for strong adherence to the original. However, even with it I've found things that didn't seem to be in the Greek. Just this weekend I looked up something in Ephesians 5 in the Greek, and didn't agree with how the NASB translated it at all! Therefore, I find myself going to an interlinear more and more (which I have on my phone BTW).
If you right-click that image, then press "View Image," and then increase the size of the image, it is a little easier to see.

A simple search of "bible translation charts" will also yield many more similar charts. It's good to understand the various translation methods -- literal concordant, word for word, thought for thought, paraphrased, amplified, etc. No method is perfect, e.g. idioms just don't translate well.

The Recovery Version is NOT there. I could not find it on any chart. Perhaps because they trash every other version. Perhaps because of the way they treated John Ingalls. Perhaps because it appears to be a Bible for addicts. Or perhaps the greater body of Christ just finds no value there.
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