Originally Posted by Boxjobox
It took longer than I expected for this question to be asked, as it is a way to deflect from the most important concept Jesus is conveying about eternal life, Our Heavenly Father who is the one true God, Jesus the sent one and thank God, Us the believers. Let me just say, that because the scripture does not expand on “and now, Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.“, I am not qualified to answer, in that I don’t think anyone knows even vaguely what Jesus met.
What a cheap cop out in order to keep your heretical beliefs intact. Why not dig a little, "
ye search the scriptures", as the Lord instructs us.
Let's talk about Jesus and His glory. On the road to Emmaus, Jesus told them, "
ought not Christ to have suffered and enter into His glory?" So Jesus explained in His prayer to the Father, that He would be glorified after He suffered. Mentioned in this conversation was "all the things that had just occurred." -- the trial, passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
Philippians 2 speaks about Jesus "
subsisting in the form of God did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped." Here is the glory Jesus had with the Father before the world was. Jesus is plainly portrayed by Apostle Paul in this chapter as the eternal God.
I've talked to JW's before. They all are as stubborn as you. Their Bibles have hundreds of missing and distorted scriptures to suit their false teachings.