Originally Posted by Ohio
Below is a chart of various English Versions which display various methods of translation style. To the far left would also be Knoch's Concordant Version. To the far right would be The Living Bible, which I was reading when I was wonderfully saved. Many new Christians started on the right, and slowly moved left over time. Except for obviously heretical versions, I believe all versions are pleasing to the Lord, as His desire is that all could know His word.

Thanks for sharing that. It's hard to make out everything on that chart - is the RecV in there?
I typically use the New American Standard because of it's reputation for strong adherence to the original. However, even with it I've found things that didn't seem to be in the Greek. Just this weekend I looked up something in Ephesians 5 in the Greek, and didn't agree with how the NASB translated it at all! Therefore, I find myself going to an interlinear more and more (which I have on my phone BTW).