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Old 08-10-2020, 11:25 AM   #13
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: John Smith - With The Lord

Hi there!
We may have crossed paths as I was in the San Diego LC from 1975-1978/79.

I always speak highly of my time there and hold John Smith in high esteem for his faithfulness to the Word. He was loyal to W Lee but much more faithful to our Lord Jesus Christ. He really taught me to hold firm to God's Word. To be loyal to Jesus, to the trust the Holy Spirit. He was a good shepherd to the saints in San Diego.

Willy Samoff moved to Denver around 1978. Around that time frame Max Rappaport was under fire by Lee and his loyalists. Willy and Max were close. But I don't know if they remained friends after the rift in the LC. Several years ago, Willy's sons posted here very briefly. They mentioned their dad having been in the LC but that's pretty much it. I think they came across very cynical towards the LC but did not mention how Willy and Sandy his wife were doing.

If you remember Bob Bird, I stay in touch with him. He is living in Milwaukee Wisconsin. He left the LC too and is doing ok. Aging sucks though


Originally Posted by rwg View Post
I was involved in the San Diego LC for about a year and a half during 1974-75. I just recently came across the news of John Smith's moving from this life to a life of glory and reading his open letter about his renewed enlightenment. I was a young Christian from North Dakota with a seeking heart. I didn't understand all the divisions and strife among Christians. The LC seemed to take down the walls of division and promote a "unity". After a number of months there seemed to a pressure put upon attendees. There was even fear that if one ever left the LC their "life would be ruined". I never got this from John Smith but there were other leaders, both local and Anaheim. With John one generally felt you could share without retribution. I'm one example of one whole left the LC and is doing fine, enjoying the assurance of the Lord Jesus and fellowshipping with other believers.

Willy Samoff was in San Diego while John was their. Does anyone know what has come about him
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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