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Old 08-10-2020, 11:18 AM   #101
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Default Re: The Trinity Thread (To be a merged thread)

This post comes right after my "," thing, but it seems to be addressed to the crowded audience out here.

Originally Posted by Boxjobox View Post
So, if we think through this trinitarian stuff with an objective view as is possible, it seem to me that we find this: way back in the 4th century a group got together and decided that the decree to keep the oneness of the faith would be to have a 3 person God, with the 2nd person being fully God AND fully man. It seemed not to bother anyone, and still doesn’t to this day, that Paul the apostle stated that there was but one God, the Father, and stressed that the unity of the faith would be held by acknowledging one God and Father.

It shouldn’t escape our interest that at the time of that great council there were great dissenters and practicers of Paul’s words that did not agree with the 3 god thing. To think there was not a controversy would make the necessity for a decree as foolish. Constantine the Emperor in adopting Christianity as the state religion did not want division, which lead to factions which are not good in holding together an empire. The vote was cast in favor of the trinity doctrine and that doctrine became the edict all must follow. Any dissent was met with foul consequences. This was throughout the empire, for over a millennium- no small chunk of historical time. We should also consider that at the time of leading up to the council hierarchy was strongly developed in the churches. It should also be noted that the average Christian did not possess a collective book of scriptures, which were in the hands of the hierarchy system. This decree that was put on all calling themselves Christians was not some sort of mutually understood theology accepted readily by all. It was a top down decree that was forced on all. This edict was what became the orthodoxy of the church. Christianity, with few exceptions today still holds this as the explanation of God. Paul’s word seems to be marginalized to the point that when it is read today has no impact, no importance; the decree reigns triumphantly.

Along comes WL, who refines the concept of the decree and his version becomes the decree of his recovery. Let’s say this recovery becomes world wide and accepted, and his theology holds the Christians together for the next millennium. Does his concocted god then become God because a vast amount of people believe it to be so? What actually happens to Paul’s pronouncement of there being but one God, the Father.? That important description of God, by the apostle, would once again be thrown by the wayside. It is not great decrees that define God, it is not numbers of believers in a man made theology, it is not persuasive and prevalent teachers and scholars who define God. The believers, the church should and must be built on the foundation of the apostles, with Jesus Christ being the chief cornerstone. It is this cornerstone who told us that the Father is the one true God. It is Paul who told us that for us there is but one God, the Father, and that our oneness needs to be maintained by professing one God and Father.
It looks to me like, as time passed, Jesus became bigger and bigger (and by the way, more and more divine, and less and less human). And eventually along came Lee and Jesus became all three of the trinity.

Using Isaiah 9:6 Lee had the audacity to claimed Jesus was the Father. Lee made Jesus the whole shebang ; the whole trinity wrapped up into one.

So Jesus went from 100% God and 100% human to, 100% everything ; a mixture of everything, all, each and every ONE, 100%.

Why I must ask? Is it that we're hardwired to have a top hero in our thinking? Maybe. It does make things simple, so we can get on with the necessities of life.

But as I've stated numerous times :

A hero is not a hero until the mythmakers are done.

And seems, with Lee, they -- he, Lee -- weren't done.


Let's all chant, over and over : OH! LORD JESUS! and work up a frenzy ; JESUS IS EVERYTHING!

And stop thinking, and go on feeding LSM with all our free energy, time, and money. Cuz the world has to know that, JESUS IS EVERYTHING, ALL BALLED UP INTO ONE!

Here's how I see it in a nutshell :
At the end of the 1st century, some guy really handy with words -- writing in Koine Greek, wrote the gospel that came later, in the 2nd c., to be called John -- got the ball rolling, with his much bigger Jesus, than the other three anonymous gospel writers.

Then in the fourth century, Jesus got even bigger, as the 2nd person in the trinity.

Then in the 20th century Lee came along, and Jesus became everything.

Now there's no other mythmaker needed. All the mythmakers can finally lay their pens down.

And look at us, we're arguing over the old out-dated dogma of the trinity. The trinity is now nothing. Jesus is everything. There's no 3 gods anymore. Jesus is the one and only true Father God. Kick that trinity to the curb. It's no longer needed. Jesus trumps it.
Cults: My brain will always be there for you. Thinking. So you don't have to.
There's a serpent in every paradise.
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