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Old 08-08-2020, 05:15 PM   #83
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: Leaving the LRC has consequences....

Originally Posted by Adrienne Duhe View Post
Omg! Me too, so sick, the sickest... In reality I have never been more physically, mentally, or emotionally sound. I am happy, accepted, successful, I am no longer crippled by constant fear. I stayed for years longer than I should have, purely out of fear of what I was told would happen to me when I left. I was miserable, isolated and bullied by the cliquish sisters in my locality, and dismissed and ignored by everyone else. It took so much strength to leave everything I had known behind me, especially because I’d been told I would face pain, death, and dissolution outside. I did not, the healing began almost immediately once the toxicity was no longer present. If I could change anything, I wish I’d left years earlier. And I’m only posting because I ran across this link and I feel leaving success stories are hidden and never shared. There are people I had been told were dead because they left that I found out were alive and happy. Which is seriously messed up.
to the bolded statement. That's shocking.

So glad you posted to leave a record here that people leave the LC, AND YET GOD DOESN'T LEAVE THEM! This is the best thing to see and hear for anyone in and struggling. Continuing on happy and healthy and loving God and your neighbor......more and more LCers need to see it and be aware of it. They are being lied to!
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