Originally Posted by aron
When you ask "what truly is this entity" I refer you to the quote above it, from Ephesians 5: "This is a profound mystery". If Paul calls it a profound mystery, I daresay it's not an answer that you'll get through systematic theology, nor by some subjective euphoria. Both are, at least of themselves, false trails.
I'll ask a question which touches on OBW's comment on "disorientation" should one examine any terms too closely, as if some turn of phrase of itself could whisk one into a special "reality". What's the difference between the Apocalypse's Great Harlot Mystery Babylon, and the woman clothed with the sun? Not much, by appearance. Both are dazzlingly arrayed. But one's full of abomination and one isn't.
This reminds of something a brother I know said: "The world contains nothing of the church; but the church has everything in it from the world. What he meant was the world is the world, with its sin and dark system - Christ is obviously not part of that. But Christ is in the church, however, the elements of the world are in there too!
Therefore the world/fleshly Adamic, fallen system is easy to see, with all it's corrupted manifestations. However, Christ in the church is not always so easy to see, because the worldly things in it can block our view. Only He is able to do what He needs to do to "present her spotless and without blemish."
The ekklesia: His body; His bride; and His dwelling . . . this is truly a great mystery how we will be gotten to that glorious point.
But He'll do it!