Originally Posted by UntoHim
Raptor, Modalism was explained and discussed right at the start of the thread, and has been explained and discussed here on this forum for about 12 years now. For some reason you seem to think if you don't agree with the explanations, or that it has not been explained to your satisfaction, that means it has not been explained. This is not how reasonable discussions can continue on a forum like ours.
As Trapped has stated, Witness Lee taught the orthodox teaching/doctrine/understanding of the Trinity, and he also taught a form of modalism. Again, it is not classic modalism, but rather a convoluted form of modalism. My contention has been that Lee clearly "confounded the Persons" of the Godhead with his processed God teaching. This also has been discussed at length on our forum, but I am willing to give at lease a cursory review of this if you want.
That the Spirit of Jesus is the same as the Holy Spirit and that there cannot be 2 divine Spirits has been explained and discussed in the New Testament for centuries now. For some reason you seem to think if you don't agree with the explanations, or that it has not been explained to your satisfaction, that means it has not been explained. This is not how reasonable discussions can continue on a forum like ours.
Who came up with the definition of the convoluted form of modalism?