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Old 08-05-2020, 12:47 PM   #91
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Default Re: The Trinity Thread (To be a merged thread)

Originally Posted by awareness View Post
Don't you hope in Theophany? Jesus could come out here to declare that he's God, that the Father is sitting on HIS right hand, and that he's a trinity, sitting on the throne of heaven, all three squeezed tightly together.

I know that sounds silly. But not any more silly than Jesus was God, so the trinity died on the cross.
Awareness- you are shortchanging God. According to John’s writing one of the members suddenly became 7 in Revelation, so mixed with the trinitarian philosophy God is actually a nonaune-9 in one, although I’m not sure if each of the expanded 7 are each a person; maybe the trins would have better insight in this important development. The other thing to notice is that I don’t think the Holy Spirit actually gets to occupy a position on the throne- apparently there is either a space issue or a subservient situation going on. Not sure how that plays out in eternity, because the events seem to shift to a God and Lamb orchestra with the Spirit fading off stage. And then again it is God and the Lamb which seems like in language study would be two different people; one called God and the other Lamb, but the trins have a way of blending the two into one. We may be heading to an eternity with a diune situation- stay tuned!
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