Originally Posted by Ohio
Why do you constantly ignore all the scriptures?
Why do you reject the opening of John's Gospel?
And there you go again -- avoiding the Bible, and bringing up the 4th century again. Have you no principles?
Ohio, the issue at hand is trinity discussion, for me it is trinity discussion related to WL/LSM, and in the bigger picture the church and church history. I think my principles have been very consistent in saying and demonstrating that the foundational church did not present a 4th century dogma as the truth. This came in and damaged the church tremendously- I have been most consistent and adamant about this.
I have explained my view of John 1 elsewhere. The gospel does not match your understanding of it, nor do the epistles. I understand that that is a foundation in your belief system, and that you relate and project Jesus as your God. I have no doubt that you are sincere and think you are protecting a major truth. When I read Acts and the epistles, I do not see that as even a minor truth, but rather that the church is built upon the gospel that Jesus is the Christ, the son of the Living God, who died for our sins, whom God raised from the dead and gave him the highest position in creation. I see no attempt to preach or teach that Jesus is God or that God is 3 people. To say that is our foundation and then to read Paul’s excellent presentation of the gospel to the Romans, would leave Paul’s writing worthless in building the church. Luke gives us a. Great history in Acts, which does not include the kind of gospel you are following. Galatians tells us of Paul’s gospel, 1 Cor 15 tells us what Paul preached.
Trinitarianism changed the whole narrative of the NT.