Originally Posted by Boxjobox
Ohio, there is no God the son in the NT.
I do not deny that Jesus is the Christ, the son of the Living God.
Your rationale here is not correct.
And most important, I have no relation or affinity for “Jehovah Witness- that is a cult, actually very similar in design to the LSM church.
Ohio, Paul taught the Corinthians there is but One God, the Father. Why are you introducing a god the son? Your basic accusation seems to be that I don’t buy into a 4th century trinitarian belief system and therefore am off kilter. Take a good look at what you are saying.
Why do you constantly ignore all the scriptures?
Why do you reject the opening of John's Gospel?
And there you go again -- avoiding the Bible, and bringing up the 4th century again. Have you no principles?