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Old 08-03-2020, 09:32 AM   #76
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Default Re: The Trinity Thread (To be a merged thread)

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
There is no equivalence here. And you know it.

Jesus said unless you believe that I AM, you will die in your sins.

Just in case you missed it, Jesus again says, Before Abraham was, I AM.

How could Jesus be born of Mary, if He is the I AM before Abraham was even born?

Boxjobox, in order to accept your unending heresy, I must constantly remove whole sections of the Bible.
Equivalence in saying the same thing. The Jews asked the healed blind man if he was actually the one that was blind. He answers I am. The conversation between Jesus and the Jews rests on tell us plainly whether you are the Christ, the messiah, the anointed one. Jesus’ answers are according to this: I am, which is really I am he, if you follow the same for the healed blind man. That an Aramaic language put into Greek is somehow equivalent to Jesus saying I am Yahweh is a real stretch, but one used by the trinitarian persuasion to convince. To me, it’s kind of “ this is the best we can come up with” kind of thing, yet, when the apostles and disciples preach the gospel, they somehow don’t seem to include this important discovery? This turns the scripture into a farce. Those who were with Christ, especially Peter and John do not preach such in Acts. Paul, who was called to be an apostle does not preach this. Yet they all have the common thread of preaching that Jesus is the Christ, the son of the Living God.
The church needs to return to the foundation that it was to be built upon, which is the revelation given from the God and Father of Jesus to Peter, when Jesus asked who do men say that I am. Jesus says he will build his church on that revelation. After the 4th century, the facade was then built on a Jesus is God, 3 person god, which was never spoken out by Jesus nor the apostles. It’s time to get a grasp on this, and get back to the foundational gospel that was blessed by God with the witness of the Holy Spirit.

After 2k years of staunch trinitarian thinking, I realize this is not easy to grasp, and sounds like it is upsetting to your belief system. I don’t think you ever read the scriptures and suddenly said wow God is triune! But rather, you were taught it, probably with people using the same snips of scripture and logic type questions like those you ask me and Untohim asks.
But if you look at the overall NT, you do not find that mentioned or taught. What you do find is the overwhelming presentation of God the Father and Jesus the Christ as Lord. That is the content of the NT church. Jesus himself in the favorite book used by the trins, gospel of John, Jesus says that famous line, I am the way, the truth, the life, no one comes to the Father except through me. There is that I am again, and the direction is that we come to the Father, which is the NT practice. Jesus said God is spirit and those who worship HIM must worship in spirit and truth- for THE FATHER seeks such. Jesus told Mary, I go to my Father and your Father, my God and your God. This is how the NT is presented- that through the redemption work of Christ, we would come to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus. The NT does not say Set Up Jesus as your God, God is 3 people.

John wrote the Revelation and right off says The revelation of Jesus Christ that GOD gave him. He then introduces Jesus as the one who was slain to make us a kingdom and priest to HIS GOD. Throughout Rev., it is God and the Lamb - very distinctly presented.

John has a peculiar way of writing things: I see no indication in the NT that we should draw the conclusions you are making. Basically, what you are saying is that a certain gospel was spoken throughout Acts and anointed by the Holy Spirit, that was then 50 years later altered by John and now all should be putting Jesus as God and worshipping a 3 in one God. Then all the rest of the NT must be tweaked through a massive teaching campaign to conform to that. I don’t buy that anymore. As I look at church history, the downfall was the 4th century “orthodox” stuff that turned the church into a mockery of the gospel and the NT. I would say an enemy has done this.
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