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Old 08-02-2020, 08:32 PM   #67
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Default Re: The Trinity Thread (To be a merged thread)

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
Ok, thanks for the advise Boxy. I used gorilla glue so I got glued back together really fast.

In first century Jerusalem, if you asked a Jew who the Lord of the Sabbath was, what would be his answer? You never answer a straight question. You shuck, you jive, and try to wiggle out of answering by changing the subject. It's not leading, it is probing, to see if you really know and believe the Words of Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, who though he was equal with God the Father, emptied himself and took on the likeness of human flesh.

In first century Jerusalem, if you asked a Jew who was the only being in the universe greater than the temple, what would be his answer? You never answer a straight question. You shuck, you jive, and try to wiggle out of answer by changing the subject.

While keeping myself firmly clued in place, I'll ask you one more time. Do you believe the plain words of the Lord Jesus Christ over your Unitarian/Arian teachers? It's not too late you know. You could repent and fall to your knees just like Thomas and proclaim "My Lord and my God!". Do you not believe that Thomas said those words? Are you like Witness Lee who picked and choosed what he was going to accept as God's Word and what he would explain away with the heretical teachings and understandings of men long ago proved to be heretical, false teachers.

May "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you".
Concerning Thomas statement. There is this meeting that takes place only mentioned in the gospel of John where all the apostles are together except Thomas, and Jesus breaths into them. They tell Thomas about seeing Jesus and Thomas doubts- he is doubting that Jesus is alive, that God was able to raise him from the dead, or did actually raise him from the dead. Jeusu appears to Thomas who says my lLord and my God. This is not recorded in the other three gospels or mentioned anywhere else, and there is no gospel preached to give the impression that the disciples came to a new found belief that Jesus is God- look at what was spoken was spoken as the gospel throughout the book of Acts- not a peep. My assumption is that Thomas came to realize that he had doubted God, and God’s ability to raise Christ from the dead and doubted that Jesus was resurrected. And was now acknowledging both. I say this because this is the gospel that was preached in the foundational church, Jesus told Mary that he was ascending to “ my God and your God and my Father and your Father”, which is the viewpoint of speaking in Acts and the epistles and Revelation, so I would say you are taking something and turning it into something it was never met to portray. Jesus told Thomas blessed are those who have not seen and believe. We believe through the gospel, and there is no gospel preached in the foundational church that reflects anything other than What Jesus proclaimed of “ my God and your God and my father and your Father.”
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