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Old 08-02-2020, 08:17 PM   #66
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Default Re: The Trinity Thread (To be a merged thread)

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
Ok, thanks for the advise Boxy. I used gorilla glue so I got glued back together really fast.

In first century Jerusalem, if you asked a Jew who the Lord of the Sabbath was, what would be his answer? You never answer a straight question. You shuck, you jive, and try to wiggle out of answering by changing the subject. It's not leading, it is probing, to see if you really know and believe the Words of Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, who though he was equal with God the Father, emptied himself and took on the likeness of human flesh.

In first century Jerusalem, if you asked a Jew who was the only being in the universe greater than the temple, what would be his answer? You never answer a straight question. You shuck, you jive, and try to wiggle out of answer by changing the subject.

While keeping myself firmly clued in place, I'll ask you one more time. Do you believe the plain words of the Lord Jesus Christ over your Unitarian/Arian teachers? It's not too late you know. You could repent and fall to your knees just like Thomas and proclaim "My Lord and my God!". Do you not believe that Thomas said those words? Are you like Witness Lee who picked and choosed what he was going to accept as God's Word and what he would explain away with the heretical teachings and understandings of men long ago proved to be heretical, false teachers.

May "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you".
Sorry, Untohim, I guess I misinterpreted what you were asking, or maybe why you would ask such a question of what I thought a 1st century Jew who the Lord of the Sabbath was, because , I really don’t know what a 1st century Jew would think, but I’ll answer that I assume it would be Yahweh.
As far as one greater than the temple, I’m not sure what to say a 1st century Jew would think, because the history of the Jews includes the temple of Solomon being destroyed at one time, but I guess the answer you are looking for would be Yahweh. Is that what you wanted to hear? It might be better to establish your premise and point rather than walk me down some sort of questioning.

But why not take some tome to see all that Jesus said in that chapter in Matthew, lest you start stringing together thoughts from other scriptures and making a total different narrative. You should definitely note that Jesus said the son of man is lord of the sabbath. And 15-21 would have great significance along with 29 and 50.
In 21 Jesus quotes that in him ( the anointed one) the gentiles would trust. You know, the temple was supposed to be a house of prayer for all nations to draw to, but at the time of Jesus, it became a den of thieves, and money grabbers.

What you may want to consider yourself, was what would the average Jew think about declaring that Jesusi is God and that their God was 3 people. I would say that your average Jew would have a great problem with that, as well as gentiles, so tell me, Untohim, when was it preached to all these people that Jesus was God? And what was the general reaction to this, in Jerusalem, in the various synagogue. When was this preached, and were is all the teaching that would have had to be present to explain this extremely new change in concept? I don’t see it in my scriptures. I see plenty to explain that Jesus is the Christ, that he died for our sins, that God raised him from the dead, that he was given the highest position in God’s creation, that he is coming again, but I don’t see the great teaching you profess occurring in the NT. You are setting up an impossible scenario to justify. I’m supposed to believe what you are saying based on what gospel? Sorry, it’s based on the Nicene creed, not scripture. You overlay everything with this thought that Jesus is God and God is 3 people, but that would call for a massive explanation that doesn’t exist in the book of acts, nor in the epistles of Paul, or in the epistles of John for that matter, unless you take the “there is 3 in heaven verse that seems to have general understanding that it is not really found in scripture.

And still, sitting in front of you who proclaim a trinity God is the Paul most definitely telling the Corinthians that there is one God, the Father. Here he is talking to both Jews and Gentiles and establishing that which is believed by the Jews and needs to be reinforced to the gentiles. Sorry brother, but your finding bits and pieces to justify something that never occurred- the preaching of a triune god, does not exist in the entire book of Acts, nor in the epistles of Paul. But What does exist is that Paul and Jesus both proclaime one God, the Father. If you have verses where Jesus is proclaiming a 3 person god, bring them out!
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