Originally Posted by UntoHim
So Boxy,
To a first century Jew, WHO WAS THE LORD OF THE SABBATH?
Stop your dodging and weaving and shucking and jiving. Why won't you answer this plain and simple question?
To a first century Jew, WHO WAS THE ONLY BEING IN THE UNIVERSE GREATER THAN THE TEMPLE? Stop your dodging and weaving and shucking and jiving. It's kind of embarrassing actually. Why are the Words of Jesus so hard for you to accept? There are many things Jesus said which were not "followed through" in Acts or in any other part of the New Testament. So what?
As for John, you are cherry picking. Again, kind of embarrassing for someone who says he's such a solo scriptura guy!
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. - ὁ λόγος ἦν θεὸς[/B] [/B]
The Word was God, Boxy, the Word was God.
"My Lord and my God". -ὁ κύριός μου καὶ ὁ θεός μου
Maybe we can pray-read these clearly written verses in Greek!
Dear Untohim, let’s not come unglued and start making up scenarios and arranging leading questions that don’t really follow the events, or you will convict the wrong guy.
Jesus said the son of man was lord of the sabbath- I’m taking Jesus at his word, not reading into it a bigger thing or trying to add or subtract- this was said in all three accounts- son of man.
In all three accounts also, he said there is one greater than the temple here. You know, if you read through Acts at the gospels spoken, such as to Cornelius and those with him, Peter said about Jesus that God was WITH him. That Jesus was a replacement for the old tabernacle and is greater than the old tabernacle, where the presence of God was in some fashion (however the Jews all understood that heaven was His throne, and you surly know that the resurrected Jesus ascended into heaven to sit at THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD) I don’t see any equivocal understanding that Jesus was somehow seen by any to be God because of this- they sure didn’t preach that, which I’m sure would be extra extra important to be conveyed to unbelievers if this was the case!
But wait, The old John quotes- it is John who had Jesus say that the Father was the only true God- perhaps you would like to put up a banner with this quote of Jesus and then write a footnote explaining how it really is only partially true? As far as Thomas’ great revelation it is not substantiated anywhere else, and not preached- scripture seems to avoid further speaking of Thomas other that that he was included with the 12 on the day of Pentecost when Peter rose to speak the gospel and if you read that gospel it definitely would not put Jesus in the God category. Please note also that John states that the reason he wrote his gospel is that you may know that Jesus Is the Christ, the son of God and that believing, you may have life in his name- life defined by Jesus as knowing the Father the only true God and Jesus Christ whom he sent. Years of trinity orthodoxy has you making up scriptural thought to justify the falsehood. I believe Jesus is the Christ, the son of God- why do you feel the need to expand the gospel to a Jesus is God, God is 3 people gospel. Remember- unto Him is unto the God and Father of our Lord Jesus. Time to get those banners of one God, the Father flying on the main page.