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Old 08-01-2020, 06:21 PM   #29
Join Date: Aug 2008
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Default Re: Greg Casteel - Aug 19 memorial - Ron Kangas at the Waters of Meribah

In memory of Greg Casteel and the relationship of a couple who put all on the line openly and according to their understanding and quest for the truth, Greg and Joanna Casteel.

God saw their hearts that were clearly expressed in their letter. There was no rebellion. Essentially, there was no one to meet their need in the Body and touch God's heart of love concerning them. They were not the rebels any more than those at the waters of Meribah.

Originally Posted by Indiana View Post

In his speaking, JULY 5, 2019. Ron Kangas acclaimed what it looks like to properly represent God among His people. And, he pointed out in the Old Testament accounts of Moses that Moses was one who properly expressed and represented God and His heart toward His people.

That is, until he came to the waters of Meribah!

There, God wanted to meet the need of His people who were thirsty, but Moses was not one with God in His feeling of love toward them.

By smiting the rock and calling God's people "rebels" Moses failed to touch God's heart and gave them a wrong impression that God was angry. But God was not angry with them. Neither were His people rebels. So, God told Moses "You are the rebel", and reassuring him he said a second time "You are the rebel".

"The degree to which God is expressed is the degree to which He is represented", says Ron. And Moses failed mightily to express God at the waters of Meribah.

This mistake was "a sin unto death", as Ron puts it. And, what Moses did in failing to express and represent God is "for our learning", as the Bible puts it.

A brother was reading to me last night from an early 1950s fellowship by Brother Lee. I wish we could all go back to that time and be on that path when there was comparatively little rubble on the road to remove to make straight the way of the Lord. But more history has taken place and if we don't learn from it now, a Day will declare it.

In memory of Greg Casteel and the relationship of a couple who put all on the line openly and according to their understanding and quest for the truth, Greg and Joanna Casteel.

God saw their hearts that were clearly expressed in their letter. There was no rebellion. Essentially, there was no one to meet their need in the Body and touch God's heart of love concerning them. They were not the rebels any more than those called rebels at the waters of Meribah.

April 28, 2020
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