Originally Posted by Boxjobox
If WL started a new Orthodox branch of Christianity, I could see limiting the discussion to orthodoxy, but he claimed to be recovering the true church. In the foundational church as presented in Acts and by Paul, you don’t have a Jesus is God gospel, nor a teaching about a 3 person god. How can we discuss recovery and WLs theological errors without stating the foundational church’s understanding of God and his Christ?
This site is called local church discussions. I doubt Untohim started this site thinking to provide a place for all those in the local church to have discussions ; it's obvious it was started to provide exLCer's to have a place for discussions.
With that in mind, all subjects about anything should be welcomed. ExLCers are a diverse crowd. But not all of them are welcomed. I'm not really welcomed, on the main forum. That's why AltVs was started. And I was made the moderator.
Before that I was booted I think a few times from LCD. I'm not a Baptist, LCer, or evangelical. And Untohim wants everyone that leaves the LC to be a evangelical.
And to be an evangelical means believing in the trinity, and that Jesus was God. And if you don't you don't belong on LCD.
Which is why my exLC friends aren't on LCD. All except bro Ohio ... and well Untohim, who's a different person on the phone.