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Old 08-01-2020, 09:19 AM   #41
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Default Re: The Trinity Thread (To be a merged thread)

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
If UntoHim did not limit the forum to evangelical orthodoxy, you might have us all wandering around the universe following some ancient Greek mythological characters. Or worse, you might have them all voting for Joe Biden!
If Untohim stuck to keeping the site related to Née, Lee, and Local Church discussion- shouldn’t be a problem. Imposing a Orthodox Christianity caveat over it means that one has to accept and speak of trinity and Jesus is God thing to participate. This would mean Paul could not chime in! Nor James, Peter, Jude. John would be accepted at first, but then would be kicked off because he wrote that there is only one true God, the Father. And Jesus would end up on this alt site because he would talk about his God, the Father. Do you really think Untohim would want a discussion about the God of Jesus?

If WL started a new Orthodox branch of Christianity, I could see limiting the discussion to orthodoxy, but he claimed to be recovering the true church. In the foundational church as presented in Acts and by Paul, you don’t have a Jesus is God gospel, nor a teaching about a 3 person god. How can we discuss recovery and WLs theological errors without stating the foundational church’s understanding of God and his Christ?
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