07-31-2020, 12:41 PM
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Greater Ohio
Posts: 13,693
Re: The Trinity Thread (To be a merged thread)
Originally Posted by awareness
Local Church Discussions to be precise.
I guess I didn't make myself clear. The main part of this forum, as run by Untohim, is the evangelical section of LCD, and is hemmed in to that end, and loosely based upon evangelical premises, dogma, and orthodoxy ... loosely except when violated.
If, on that section, you stray from those premises, Untohim sends your posts, and/or threads, down to AltVs, or just deletes them.
I'm guessing that, this merged thread is a product of that. I guess BJB questioning the trinity, and/or that, Jesus was God, is outside evangelical orthodoxy, so down to tartarus with him, and his heterodoxy.
To then join the likes of me ... demoted from moderator to Sisyphus in Tartarus, continually rolling a large boulder up and down the mountainside of AltV's.
According to Hesiod, a brazen anvil would take nine days and nights to fall from heaven to earth [LCD], and nine days and nights to fall from earth to Tartarus {AltVs] ... where all trinity deniers and Jesus is God deniers are tossed down into.
Welcome all, to Tartarus [AltVs] ... if you dare deny Evangelical Orthodoxy ... the main LCD section ... the Upper Room.
If UntoHim did not limit the forum to evangelical orthodoxy, you might have us all wandering around the universe following some ancient Greek mythological characters. Or worse, you might have them all voting for Joe Biden!
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
Keeping all my posts short, quick, living, and to the point!