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Old 07-30-2020, 01:12 PM   #30
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Default Re: The Trinity Thread (To be a merged thread)

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Noah failed and was not covered and covered by different sons. We all have failed and are covered by the blood of Jesus Christ. We will be held accountable for every word too. I have come to this site from time to time over the last 12 years or so since meeting the saints in the LR. I've not engaged here prior but felt to address some points now.

Though you have 10000 guides in Christ you do not have many fathers for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel. There is a major difference between the Roman Catholic fathers and the brothers taking the lead in the Lord's recovery as "fathers"...and I think most here know that. Go to a LC meeting and then a mass and it could not be more different.

Watch the fireside chats with Chris Wilde as a part of a panel (on youtube) and tell me are these brothers not shepherding the flock, healing wounds, caring for the church? Or just keep staring at the inside of the trash seems to be the function of this thread.

A year has passed. I never knew Jo or her husband but clearly they did not get the care they needed which was tripartite care, love, listening ears, and words of life. I wept when I found out Greg took his own life and I never knew him. We are greatly saddened by this and regretful that this whole situation happened around a year ago.

Also, I meet in a church where there are saints who are mature and examples of fine Christian character and living...and I can't remember hearing a name besides Christ's in 99% of speaking in meetings I attend. We honor the 7 decades of labor by Witness Lee but good God, we dont pray to him or idolize him. If there is a recovery on the earth would not that recovery stand on the shoulders of all of church history? If it is not with this group where is it? Is it a division of this recovery? How could that be when God is a God of oneness?

I don't know "co-workers" in the recovery but from listening to their messages they don't lead me to anything extra Biblical. When I read Lee's writings (which is a lot of the time his speaking transcribed) there is a whole lot of Christ. You can use the Bible to argue nearly anything, you can use Lee's ministry to argue many things too...but the Lord's recovery today is prevailing as a place of oneness, despite any trash you want to sort through here.

I've been around the churchlife over 10 years now and am confident that though some here on this site have bible truth and knowledge, the prevailing factor here is division. How am I wrong in these observations?

Lord Jesus praise You as the tree of life! Lord Jesus we love You, cause us to turn to You, that in these dark times You will build the church and turn the age. Come dear Lord Jesus, the problems need to be dealt with. Take care of it all, gain Your dispensational instrument, descend with your mighty ones! Hallelujah praise You Lord Jesus! Care for all these in this thread and cause them to love You and care for Your Church, wherever they meet, and even build all the way up to Your coming. Thank You for Your mercy. Praise You Father.
I took this from the main site as a good case study of the LC problem with trinitarianism, and particularly their own brand of it.
Before you read this, spend a few minutes to read 1 Thes. and a couple of chapters in Ephesians then ask yourself why after 10 years would someone write this and think this presents a glorious recovery of the church? The oneness they speak of is a oneness of people who have sold their souls over to WL/LSM. The results of that ministry is meetings where they can’t remember hearing a name besides Christ’s 99% of the time ( no mention of what name they hear the other 1%) . Does this sound like what Paul speaks of in Ephesians? Thessalonians? There is a major gap here, and that gap is what was lost by the 4th century with the Nicene creed, trinity decree. Yes, the LC stands on some shoulders- of feet well planted in that debacle. In reading 1Thes, notice how Paul speaks overwhelmingly of God, the Father. Paul does so, because his mind is that there is one God, the Father, by whom and through whom and for whom are all things. The mindset here is what was taught by WL and now LSM, to focus on the morphed Jesus. The so called recovery, although they have elders instead of priests which is nice, will never be any kind of recovery of the church, only a furtherance of the mayhem caused by the trinitarian falsehood. You would actually hear more speaking and worshipping of God the Father in one Catholic mass then you would in months of LC. They cannot speak like, think like, minister like, build the church like Paul, because they have a whole different focal point, a whole different gospel, and are looking for an unscriptural outcome. The oneness Paul spoke of was that which contained the acknowledgment of one God, the Father. When one follows a ministry that disregards this, one should not expect a scriptural outcome.
The doxology at the end sound like one who is frantic because the threads of their garment are all becoming unraveled in public. Love the Praise you Father thrown on at the end- shouldn’t that have been the theme of the entire post?
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