Thanks for sharing that article Nell. Many times victims, Christians and non Christians fall prey to false teachings, false hope, false security and false love. Then they blame themselves for being blindsided, when it was the perpetrator, the abuser who manipulates them to feel guilty.
May we all trust Jesus to rescue us from the deceivers for He is our Deliverer and Healer of our souls. Soon the wicked, religious and otherwise will be put in their place by the Mighty God.
Originally Posted by Nell
I found this article on "gaslighting" which seems, in some ways, to parallel what you're saying.
A predator uses gaslighting to turn victimsinto dependent, unquestioning and compliant puppets, willing accomplices in their own destruction, completely unaware that they are being coerced or manipulated in any way.
Kept in this virtual dark by their abuser, they live in a world of subtle fear, where it is dangerous to ask questions, where submitting to the abuser is the only way to keep the peace.
Victims of gaslighting are ultimately convinced that their sense of unease is due to their own inability to cope with their environment, rather than the intentional, calculated work of the predator who is tricking them. Often, it is such a frightening prospect to question the abuser’s authority, that the very idea of rebelling becomes inconceivable. Most sinister of all, the victims of gaslighting predators are conditioned to believe that their abuser is their only source of reliable information, comfort, and safety.