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Old 07-30-2020, 07:43 AM   #134
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Default Re: Quote from today's Witness/Watchman Wednesday

Originally Posted by Trapped View Post
The frustrating thing about this teaching is that, when taken to task, they as always, can twist it around to make the task-taker seem crazy. On one hand, in the ministry they say something like "wrong is still wrong, but life is higher than right." So they'll point to that and say, "see wrong is still wrong" and make it look like they are taking the highest purest most undefiled route, that is angelically floating above those dirty people who are merely doing "good".

But when you actually do try to point out something as "not right" they try to claim that very thing isn't "wrong" but is "following life". What a mess.

And now we are starting to blend up the garden of eden trees into an unintelligible mess that God never taught. Because on the one hand, they teach that good and evil are both of death (which is not true), but here we have evil is still evil and good is now something else. And where is all this in Genesis? crickets....

And the reality is, when you DO try to call something wrong that is wrong, that's exactly when they roll this saying out to stop you from pointing the wrong thing out. So they use it in an abusive way while they try to pass it off as the most pure way possible. It's sick.

I found this article on "gaslighting" which seems, in some ways, to parallel what you're saying.

A predator uses gaslighting to turn victims into dependent, unquestioning and compliant puppets, willing accomplices in their own destruction, completely unaware that they are being coerced or manipulated in any way.

Kept in this virtual dark by their abuser, they live in a world of subtle fear, where it is dangerous to ask questions, where submitting to the abuser is the only way to keep the peace.

Victims of gaslighting are ultimately convinced that their sense of unease is due to their own inability to cope with their environment, rather than the intentional, calculated work of the predator who is tricking them. Often, it is such a frightening prospect to question the abuser’s authority, that the very idea of rebelling becomes inconceivable. Most sinister of all, the victims of gaslighting predators are conditioned to believe that their abuser is their only source of reliable information, comfort, and safety.
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