Originally Posted by Ohio
Now, that is confusing. Explain to me how you decided that your post was a good way to diminish UntoHim's enthusiasm in order for him to defend his position.
That's the opposite of your original intention according to the context. Please check your iPad dictionary again.
I explained my choice of the word BATE a few posts up, but I will try again, lest you forever look to find fault. The name taken Untohim comes fro Ephesians 3. The Him refers to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus. Ephesians should be a work that would eradicate the whole notion of Jesus is God/ trinity thing. Untohim is quite adamant concerning his love for this orthodox teaching, to the point that he removes anything I would write because I have an opposing view that I am quite strong about. My hope in pointing out the meaning of the name would be that perhaps he would consider that Paul did not hold the 4th century orthodoxy that Untohim holds precious. Bate meaning to moderate, I wish he could come to moderate his position in light of the contents of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians so that we could deBATE the issue.
As I wrote before, I have great admiration and respect for Untohim in that he confronted the situation in the LC head on in a way that was most noble considering the mindset of the LC at that time. I think he expected elders to respond in a like manner, but was met with- well, we all know.