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Old 07-29-2020, 11:26 AM   #126
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: Quote from today's Witness/Watchman Wednesday

Today's quote:

It is not a question of right or wrong; it is a question of whether or not one is like the bearer of the cross. In the church right and wrong have no place; all that counts is bearing the cross and accepting it's breaking. This produces the overflowing of God's life and accomplishes his will. --Watchman Nee's Testimony

UntoHim, do you choose Wednesday quotes specifically to MAKE us throw our hands up?!

This teaching, to me, seems to be one of the most insidious and interwoven in the LC......that "right and wrong have no place" in the church. It's almost precision engineered to be used in an abusive manner. Jesus and the apostles called wrong things wrong all over the place. God is the standard of right and wrong. The ten commandments are right and wrong. God punishes wrongdoing. This teaching genuinely makes me scratch my head, that it could have been read by so many eyes and heard by so many ears in the LC, and yet not a single person.....of tens of thousands of people.....says "this is totally upside down".

Well, I guess when you say that in the church right and wrong have no place, then you are inherently prevented from saying "that is wrong", aren't you.

Now I understand the term mindbender.
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