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Old 07-29-2020, 09:59 AM   #20
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Default Re: The Trinity Thread (To be a merged thread)

Originally Posted by Boxjobox View Post
Ohio- please look up the definition of BATE—the trinitarian doctrine does not allow for descent, and the followers become quite heated when an opposing view is present-
Help me out here Boxjobox, I'm confused, I don't understand your comments here.

And you say I am hard to follow.

Definition of bate:
1. to moderate or restrain: to bate one's enthusiasm.
2. to lessen or diminish; abate.
3. to diminish or subside; abate.
Definition of descent:
1. the act, process, or fact of moving from a higher to a lower position.
2. a downward inclination or slope.
3. a passage or stairway leading down.
4. derivation from an ancestor; lineage; extraction.
5. any passing from higher to lower in degree or state; decline.
6. a sudden raid or hostile attack.
Please tell me which of these definitions for these 2 words are you using.

And who is getting "heated?" Perhaps you should define "heated" also. Seems to me semantics is a huge issue here.
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