Originally Posted by Boxjobox
With the 3 gospels, the issue among the Jews was whether Jesus was the Christ or not. Somewhat late in Jesus’ ministry, Jesus asks his chosen disciples who do men say that I am, then, who do you say that I am. Quite an interesting question to be asking those who were closest to him! Peter gives an answer that Jesus says comes from the Father- that Jesus is the Christ, the son of the Living God. All the gospels in Acts present the man, Jesus as the Christ. The Holy Spirit witnesses to this with signs and wonders. No one there is preaching a Jesus is God message.
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Hold on there!
Didn't you just tell us how Peter was given revelation from the Father in the heavens? Let me repeat Peter's word, "
Jesus is the Christ, the son of the Living God"
God the Father Himself was preaching the "
Jesus is God message."