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Old 07-25-2020, 09:27 AM   #6037
Sons to Glory!
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Default Re: Politics and the Church

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
That's the irony. That lawyer was a life-long big-city liberal Democrat who did lots of personal injury work for blacks. You would think they were on the same side. Think again. These anarchist Marxists hated his "white privilege." They said he didn't deserve that big house, and it should be theirs. 99% of the liberals and Democrats in this country have no clue what is happening.
In my limited understanding of revolutions, that seems to make sense. That is, the ones generally supporting the revolutionist ideals are still no where as extremist as those driving the change, and they wind-up becoming a casualty themselves, and are quite surprised when that happens. In this case, someone who generally supported democrat/liberal ideas, are no where near the extreme Marxism and anarchy that they are encountering. They think they support it in theory, but it really means the end of "their little world" too.
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
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