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Old 07-22-2020, 12:42 PM   #125
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: Quote from today's Witness/Watchman Wednesday

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
To Witness Lee, the terms "church life" and "the church" were synonyms for the exact same thing - The Local Church sect that he created, and in which he was the unquestioned, dictatorial leader. Sorry to be so blunt, but this is the raw, unvarnished truth.
Agreed. If he had just said "the church" there would be wiggle room to say Lee might have meant the true church on the earth, composed of all believers. But since he used the phrase "the church life".....this means he's talking about his own movement (which in his eyes is the entirety of "the church" anyway).

And even if he meant the church in general, what he's saying, as usual, doesn't hold up at all. Plenty of atheists, anti-theists, etc, speak against the church and yet plenty of them encounter God and get saved, and the sun shines and rain falls on them just as on Christians. Moreover, what on earth was going on in Revelation in the seven letters to the seven churches besides "speaking negatively" of the condition of those churches? Lee's words here end up putting a curse on Jesus Christ Himself, which is just ridiculous. I'm dumbfounded at this point how often people have to shut off their minds to accept so much of what Witness Lee said.
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