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Old 07-22-2020, 11:45 AM   #123
Sons to Glory!
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Default Re: Quote from today's Witness/Watchman Wednesday

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Common sense requires us to ask, "WL, how about all the negative things you have spoken about other Christians and other churches? Didn't you build your ministry on the negative speaking of other Christians and other churches?"
Exactly! It is one thing to speak about how Christians are in the wilderness, being merely sustained by manna and that they need to be satisfied fully in the good land. I think WL's position was that the LC had entered into the good land, and that the rest of Christianity were still wandering in the wilderness. First of all, I think it arrogance to say that we have arrived (and a little like Laodecia), but then to rail at others because they haven't made it in yet . . . doing that over and over just sets up fleshly pride and division, devoid of love. ("We're on the right side of the river and you guys aren't! You're so hopeless and dumb over there!")

BTW - I'm reading a book now by Major Ian Thomas ("The Saving Life of Christ"), where he lays out how most Christians have resigned themselves to being merely "sustained" in the wilderness. Saved ones have come out from Egypt, but most are not really being fully satisfied and resting in the good land yet. But his is an exhortation to look to Christ in all things, not a condemnation. I think what WL and the LC got into was condemnation.
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
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