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Old 07-09-2020, 08:35 PM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2020
Posts: 31
Default The Recovery of The Local Churches in Vietnam

In Viet Nam, by the picking up one old copy of The Stream Magazine, dated 1965, in one Christian Library in Vietnam, we, some Christians in one denomination(Christian Missionary Alliance in US), had begun the rough church life from 1980.

Now, 2020, there are about 45 rough local churches in all Vietnam. This is the wonderful work of God in our closed country. After many years practicing the new way according LSM, on one side, we had been enjoyed many riches in God's word through the teaching of Bro. W. Nee, and one other side, we were feeling that we are the proud men, the hypocritical Christians. In the church meetings we prophesied the truths that we had not yet experienced, such as to say the lessons to our elementary teachers in the schools. Thank God, on one hand, we had gone out from the Babylon, but on the other hand, it seems we are under just other system.

I read in the book of Bro. Nee, preaching 1952, (The Church Affairs) He says that in the book Acts, there were over two work centers. If there was not the Antioch center, we should come back to the Catholic Church. Because it is right. I see in the Recovery of The LC, there is one capital, only one center. So we can not say "amen". From 2015, there was about 7 localities that went out of the LC. Praise The Lord, because by God's grace, we, the saints in Viet Nam had been recovered in The Lord. We want to be recovered fully, completely according the teachings of The Bible, not by the teachings of men.

Pray for us.

July 10, 2020
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