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Old 07-08-2020, 07:42 PM   #112
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: Quote from today's Witness/Watchman Wednesday

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
This is a good example of the dangerous types of things that WL taught.

When WL said instead that the church life would heal people of all those problems, everyone who took his words at face value was automatically setup for failure.

They were treated as if anything they were suffering from was their own fault because if they were right with God, then the church life would have fixed their problems already.
This stuff in the LC just makes me mad. It makes me mad that everyone in the LC knows that WL taught this stuff, but the co-workers turn around and put articles up on "shepherding" sites that make it seem like it was never taught and that "of course we have always taken mental health seriously".

Someone showed me a Q&R (not Q&A mind you, because, of course, no one has all the answers *eye roll*) on youtube recently that is apparently of various co-workers giving their responses and input and fellowship to questions that were submitted. I think one of the questions had to do with the negative way the ministry spoke about marriage. And one of the co-workers responding had the audacity to say (paraphrased) "this question just shows how delusional young brothers in the church can get"......WHEN THE VERY QUESTION WAS PRECISELY ABOUT WHAT IS IN PRINT ABOUT HOW WL SPOKE OF MARRIAGE IN THE MINISTRY.

When you start manhandling such delicate and weighty topics as mental health and marriage, the responsibility for your errors skyrockets because the direct effects are so devastating and long-lasting.

It's a sick place.
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