Thread: Modalism
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Old 07-07-2020, 12:43 AM   #163
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Default Re: Modalism

For me personally, throwing II Cor 3.17 into the equation causes great difficulty either way. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. This verse seems to shatter the "three distinct and separate persons in God" orthodoxy. Perhaps not, but sure casts some doubt.

But in typical form, WL goes further. Paul says "the Lord is the Spirit." Paul did not say Jesus the Son, but "the Lord." He did not say the Holy Spirit but "the Spirit." Why is that? Surely WL went beyond the actual words of scripture to promote himself and his ministry. He loved to poke theologians in the eye, but he also substituted words that Paul did not use.

Similarly, I Cor 15.45 uses unique phrases. Paul says the "Last Adam became life-giving Spirit." Like the branches of g'ment, Paul violates the separation of powers. Why would he do that? Then I would also ask, "does every mention of the Spirit of God definitively imply "the Holy Spirit?"
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