Originally Posted by Ohio
I believe that the scripture sets the boundaries for the truth. WL regularly tore those boundaries down, and arrived at all sorts of crazy conclusions, such as like when he said he had become God in life, and when he became fourth in the hierarchical order of the flow of God.
Agreed that WL seems to have gone too far, that is, outside what scripture actually states about our ID in Christ.
I'm not sure where the phrase, "The Church is Christ" came from. I do know Bill Freeman wrote a book by that title, which I found out in a previous discussion on here that some find that thought a little controversial.
But back to the original topic: Neither
you or
UntoHim addressed the things in the first couple posts I made to start this thread . . . And yes,
UntoHim, things in scripture have been there all along for all Christians to see.
Many of us "know" these things are there, but I'm sure you'd agree there is so, so much more light and truth to spring forth from His word, right?
In the end, it is the Spirit that must reveal these things to us, concerning what our amazing identity in Christ actually is. And I agree that the Spirit will not show us something that is beyond what is written in scripture. However, my experience with receiving light on something is that what I'm shown often has been "hiding in plain sight" in familiar scripture all the time.
May He show us fully what He has done and give us a fresh revelation of who we are in Christ!