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Old 06-20-2020, 04:09 AM   #27
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Default Re: Ron Kangas says Witness Lee is the greatest apostle since the apostle P

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
Arguably, the two most influential men among the "Blended Brothers" are Minoru Chen and Ron Kangas. Of course there are other brothers who have varying degrees of influence in the movement, but these two fellows have clearly positioned themselves to be "first among equals".
"First among equals" usually means that only one guy is on top. History tells us this about all exclusive systems, from the Catholics to the Brethren to the Recovery. It's ingrained into their collective psyche -- "who is our leader?"

I would suspect there has been jockeying for power in Anaheim. We have heard that BP was the master at the behind-the-scenes control. (Read Rutledge account). He is, of course, the current President. Perhaps it is BP who maintains the "blended" ruse. Can this last forever?
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