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Old 06-17-2020, 10:43 PM   #20
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: Ron Kangas says Witness Lee is the greatest apostle since the apostle P

My message to the Local Church faithful, and all of us, is a prayer that helps keep me grounded: “Lord, please don’t let me be deceived, and Lord, I’ll do whatever you want me to do.”

If any Christian cannot bring themselves to pray this prayer, why not? This “we only care for life” teaching can, and likely has, brought some into deception. It would be better to teach “we only care for truth”...which is the opposite of deception. Truth exposes the deceiver who first appeared in the garden. “Life”, in this context, is subjective and can be shaped to mean just about anything. Truth is absolute.

It seems that those in authority in the Local Church have taken a radical turn. Because of the Internet, they have lost the ability they once had, to control information flowing to the membership. If you, even remotely, question what you’re hearing, pray the prayer. It’s a righteous prayer. What do you have to lose? No one can tell you not to pray this way. “Lord, please don’t let me be deceived.”

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