Re: Ron Kangas says Witness Lee is the greatest apostle since the apostle P
I poked fun at them earlier, but in reality, I wonder when they stand up before Jesus if they could utter such bold, heretical declarations. Cannot see them telling the Lord, 'I owe EVERYTHING to Witness Lee! We all do!'. I know the Lord will have them straightened out pretty quick. Maybe then they will recognize their idolatry, their pride, their vanity. Hopefully they can see it before then, and repent. Where is their recognition of the value of the gift of salvation? Don't they get it? Don't they know we owe everything.....our salvation....our eternal Jesus? How can they make such wicked statements? Everything?? To WL?? EVERYTHING we see, and everything we don't came out from Him....
John 1:3
All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made.
I apologise for being so simplistic in my reasoning here, brothers and sisters. I guess He made me simple......I just don't understand how so many can hear these statements and not walk away.