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Old 06-17-2020, 11:56 AM   #17
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: Ron Kangas says Witness Lee is the greatest apostle since the apostle P

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
Here is a larger video clip in which this cultic statement was made:

This message was probably given sometime between the Winter Training (end of Dec through beginning of Jan 2020) and when the virus shut everything down. When this message was given is not nearly as important as what is said by Ron Kangas.
Listened to the whole clip. From the shorter clip I didn't understand what Ron meant when he said "where do you have to go in church history to find a match". What match? Match of what?

After listening to the longer clip, I still don't know what he means.

How he manages to hold the hand of previous ministers of the age while simultaneously biting those hands is truly something to watch. He says he is so thankful he was not in the age of the Luther MOTA or Darby MOTA but is so thankful he is in the Nee/Lee MOTA age. This is in the same very speech that he proclaims he is not exalting Nee/Lee.

What purpose does it serve to pit MOTAs against each other, and how do people not see he's doing that VERY THING he just said he's not doing?!

edit: I know MOTA is unbiblical. My point is that even inherently, assuming it's true, their own talk is nonsensical.
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