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Old 06-17-2020, 05:49 AM   #9
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Default Re: Ron Kangas says Witness Lee is the greatest apostle since the apostle P

Originally Posted by Raptor View Post
In one video (I wish I had the reference), RK asks a rhetorical question, talking about WL, saying, "can we honor him too much"? And maybe the same video, I remember..."we owe everything to him".
Raptor, I definitely remember that comment, not in a video, but in the book, A Response to Recent Accusations, by RK and KR, released at the Winter Training 1989.

After the "storm" of the late 80's, when Ingalls and the other Anaheim elders resigned, this self-published book was written in response to Ingalls "16 Points." I remembered WL, TC, and other once-respected leaders calling these "16 Points" a "kill shot" taken at WL.

Chapter 9 of the book, which I still have, is titled "The Accusation Concerning Brother WL's Being Exalted and Honored Above What is Written." This book was absolutely brainwashing propaganda lies to keep the faithful from seeking the truth about what really was happening.

It was TC who said to JI, "We owe everything to WL," as recorded in the book Speaking The Truth In Love.
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