Originally Posted by Trapped
Just thinking out loud here, but I think the very words Father and Son do a good job of showing they are not the same. God chose to use the words "father" and "son" in the Bible to best describe the relationship between the Father and the Son. A father and son are not the same person, and yet, amazingly, we often describe them in the same way Jesus used to describe His relationship to His Father.
You use a number of human concepts to describe God, I prefer to use the scripture to interpret scripture. They might be helpful, and others too, but only if they are supported by scripture. Every human metaphor has limitations, especially when referring to God Himself.
For example, the Father begot the Son. I have a son. There was a time that he was not, and then he was. Does this also apply to the Son of God? Was there a time when the Son was not? Did Jesus, the Son of God, not exist before 2,000 years ago?
aron, you are simply reiterating ancient heretical arguments.
You are not asked to believe what makes sense to you. You are required to believe what you might not understand. It's totally not logical that the Creator of the universe could be born of a virgin and then let Himself be slaughtered on the cross. Makes no sense whatsoever. Billions have refused to believe such nonsense.
By God's love and mercy, I have chosen to believe, not because I understand or because it makes sense, but because I trust the Bible is God's word to me.