Originally Posted by Sons to Glory!
Process (from Oxford): "a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end" But I guess we can't say that what Jesus went through was a process . . .
The Edwards/Piper model was linked by Cal below, and I really liked the way Piper (often quoting Edwards) put it! Anybody care to comment on Piper's writing?
It's not wrong to say Jesus went through a process. It's just awkward to say that means he got processed in the sense of some kind of drink. By using the term "processed" Lee was just trying to add credence to his "all-inclusive dose" stuff -- Jesus as the giant super smoothie, fresh out of the blender for your enjoyment. Jesus is a PERSON.
A marine goes through a process to become a top fighter. But no one says he's the processed soldier.
I like Piper, too, not least because he "processes" the sometimes indecipherable writings of Edwards.