Thread: Modalism
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Old 06-10-2020, 06:43 AM   #105
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Default Re: Modalism

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
John's Gospel completely refutes your post.

Raptor's post spells this out.

I am afraid you now have 3 Gods, my friend, all separate from each other. That is far worse than some modified form of archaic modalism. Being staunch anti-WL in all things will do that to you. Sadly some even reject the faith and God's word in order to completely purge themselves from Lee. We have seen many of them pass thru these whereabouts.
So if I read in the gospels or Acts, "The Father raised Jesus from the dead", there's no separation? Not how I understand writing, nor how I was taught to understand writing. If I say, "I hit the ball" then most of my listeners will understand that "I" and "ball" are two separate and distinct things.

Most will. Unless their theology forbids them.

And then he says, "You shall be one, even as I am one with the Father" then Ohio and aron are not still separate, because they are one just as Jesus and the Father? As far as I understand it, you remain 'you' and I am still ''me. Unless my theology forbids me from this common-sense understanding, which it doesn't. Does yours?

The whole conundrum is easily solved, if one understands the idea of a messenger. The angel says, "I Jesus have sent my angel" and John tries to bow to the angel but it forbids him. The angel can say, "I Jesus" even though the angel is not Jesus. Because it carries the image/substance/will/expression/communication/whatever. It represents. Likewise, Jesus represented the Father. When you saw Jesus you saw the Father. Not complicated, really, and such understanding would be readily available to any first-century reader whose mind was unclouded by theological imperatives.
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